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  • Writer's pictureDeepak Bhageria

Understanding Emotions to take charge of it.

Whether we feel happy, sad, anxious, angry, envious, jealous, passionate, or urges all these are emotions. Emotions are part of life; they will be there no matter how hard we try. Because at the center of the emotions are thoughts.

What makes you happy or sad? Isn’t it the thought that I have achieved it, that makes us happy? And isn’t the contrary, I have failed; makes us sad?

There are other things that make us happy and sad, but the point is that at the center of it is thought.

So, instead of favoring one type of emotion over others, we should try to understand the thoughts that are driving those emotions.

Being aware of the emotion, when it arises, and observing the thoughts behind it, we understand the whole scenario. If there is a need to act, do the act, and if there is no need to act continue observing your thoughts and emotions. Soon, the emotion will fade away.

Another way to take charge of emotion is by writing down your thoughts and emotions, your feelings. It will provide clarity. But writing down may not be feasible always.

I prefer both ways because both are useful. You may never know what works for you in the beginning.

And lastly, remember everything takes time, please be patient and kind to yourself. The only thing that matters is to keep progressing.

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