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  • Writer's pictureDeepak Bhageria

Decoding meditation. Way to do it.

I first came to know about it when I was in the 2nd year of my college, attending a seminar on, ‘How to crack the CAT exam?’. The speaker mentioned that if I we start doing meditation, then we will be able to solve the CAT problems quite easily. Being driven by the outcome, (it looks silly though) I took help of the internet to find ‘how to meditate?’ and started applying it. Initially I felt better but soon I realized that it didn’t live up to my expectation. You got it right, I was not able to solve Cat problems easily.

It was after doing trial and error, researching and learning about it, I found that the real meaning of meditation doesn’t lie in the outcome that we are attached to and seeking vigorously. Whether it is to feel calmness, peace, silence or clear mind to think properly, which are all the outcome of the process. It rather creates more stress, desire to achieve it. We all want to feel it but we often tend to neglect the process.

So, what does meditation really means?

In simple words, it’s just going with the flow. Most of the time we try to swim against the flow of our thoughts and emotions but instead we need to flow with it. By this I mean we have to observe our thoughts and emotions instead of judging or defending it.

The fun part of it is we can do it anywhere, whether in metro, bus, work, home, literally anywhere!

Now, we might question how to observe?

Observation is about being aware of your thoughts, emotions or your surroundings or bodily activity like heartbeat, breathing. When we are aware and move along with it rather then trying to control or change or move against it, we are meditating. As we continue to do it, we might feel all the outcome for which we started doing meditation.

In the end remember to Keep Learning, Keep growing. Learn from your experiences.

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