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  • Writer's pictureDeepak Bhageria

How to stay productive?

You might be having a lot of work to do but struggle to get it done. Or might get the work done but does not get the desired result. The quality of the work might not be up to the mark.

We struggle because we either want to do all the thing at once or we postpone the work until the sword is hanging just above our head.

So, you might be wondering is there a way through which I can be more productive, accomplish more, without compromising on the quality?

A big YES.

These are the steps which helped me in reducing, planning and re-energizing so that I can be more productive.

1. To-do list: Create a to-do list for the day. List down 2-5 activities that are important for you to accomplish. It should be your top priority for the day and try to spend the first half of your day in completing at least half of your activities.

Try to keep not more than 3 activities that are important for that day. Because the goal is to achieve quality along with quantity.

2. Allocate time: This is the most important step. Dedicating a set period of time for the activity like I will be working on activity No.1 from say 9-11 in the morning. It likes a mental clock which reminds you of what you have to do at what time.

Sometimes it gets difficult in setting exact amount of time that we will require to complete the task. In such case we can divide our days in morning, afternoon, evening and night and plan accordingly.

3. Take a break: We almost tend to work continuously in-order to accomplish our goals. We get into the rut that more we more result we will get and, in the process, drain our energy. The ideal should be we must take 10 mins of break for 45 mins of work. We can drink water, look outside in the sky, or meditate or do anything that re-energize us and provides relaxation.

Hope it will be useful and remember, to follow the process and results will follow you.

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