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Hey There

Though I am a certified Life Coach, I have realized that one doesn't become a Life Coach by taking up the course and getting certified. You might be wondering then, "What makes a Life Coach?". Well, when one transforms himself, undergoes change, understands life, and continuously learns and grows.

All About Me

I went through a period in my life where everything seemed difficult, hard, and scary and I had no answers to my problems. I was afraid of making a change, trying something new, and even feared talking to strangers or unknown people. I used to blame circumstances, and people for my situation and feelings and was never taking charge of it. It certainly gave me temporary relief but in the long term, I was trapped in it and found myself in such situations again and again.


When I realized the impact it was having on my life, I started working on myself. This was when my journey towards personal development started. Understanding myself, my beliefs, actions, thoughts, and feelings and grounding them in reality, helped me make a change in my life.


My vision is to help someone who is struggling, going through pain, and suffering; wants to change, but doesn't know where to start. Act as a bridge between where they are now and where they want to be by helping them identify their blocks, and limiting beliefs, and play a role as a supportive partner in designing their life


You will never know what will work until and unless you try it. 

Give it a shot!!
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