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  • Writer's pictureDeepak Bhageria

The art of Letting Go

Let go your thoughts, emotions, feelings, your past. How often we have heard these statements? It looks easy-pisy. When we hear the analogy, ‘let go’ of the rope that we are holding tightly, it seems so simple.

But whoever have tried to let go of things, thoughts, their past might say that it’s not that easy. But why is it so? What is the problem in it?

Because in case of mind, it doesn’t work that way. But why? Most of the time we resist, try to get rid of it, cruse ourselves for having those thoughts, feelings and when we do that, that ‘thing’ grows and become even stronger. Have you ever noticed, that when we have troubling thoughts and there is dislike regarding it and want to get rid of it, the more we resist the more it grows? Similar is the case, when we try to sleep?

When we try to ‘let go’ things, we are most of the time fighting, resisting it and hence making it grow.

You might be wondering, then, what is the way out of it?

One thing has definitely helped me in ‘letting go’, which is being aware of what is.

Being aware of what is, brings us in terms with the present moment rather then what should be and what should not be, which is rejecting and fighting with what is. When we bring our awareness to what is, our energy moves in direction of it and a natural outcome of it is clarity of the scenario, the movie of the mind. And as our relationship with what is grows stronger, we effortlessly ‘let go’.

Remember, we are running a marathon, not a sprint. Keep Learning, Keep Growing. Design Your Life.

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