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  • Writer's pictureDeepak Bhageria

Practicing Gratitude. Key to it.

Our minds tend to focus on the negative more often than positive. Whether it is negative experience or something that might go wrong or anything that the mind perceives is going to hurt the “I/me’, thinks it to be in danger. Have you ever noticed how short lived the positive experiences are, and how long does the negative one stays? I think we all have.

That’s where gratitude comes into play. It helps us to remind of the good that has happened to us. To direct our awareness to the ‘good’ that life has to offer and help in easing our nerves.

But most often we take practicing gratitude as something we have to do rather than actually being grateful/thankful for the things that have happened to us, which are beyond our control and made our day better or has helped us in becoming better or things that are holding the body together.

Like the air we breathe, the lessons we learned, the people we met, the events which helped us in growing. The list goes on and on and on.

The key to getting what gratitude has to offer is to be grateful/thankful for what we have. Realizing the importance of it.

Remember, it’s a journey not a destination to be reached. Keep learning, keep Growing.

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