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  • Writer's pictureDeepak Bhageria

Change your mindset to change your life.

Two individuals born in the same family, at the same time, goes to the same school and are surrounded by similar circumstances but yet think, act and behave differently. Yes, the twins, as it looks form outside, have so much in common but yet differ in their perspective, their outlook, their mindset.

So, can we say that, what makes two individuals different, is their mindset, which is nothing but their beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, knowledge, experience.

We can see that it’s the mindset which makes two individuals different, their attitude, beliefs. Some will tell you to have a positive mindset like, ‘Yes, you can do it’, ‘You are great’, ‘You will succeed’ and so on. It works fine but I think there is even a better approach to it.

Instead of being on one side of the spectrum like positive or negative mindset, can we just see the reality and act according to it. Like, instead of saying, ‘I am going to succeed’ or ‘I cannot fail’, which are not based on reality because we don’t actually know what is going to happen, can we use the reality approach, can we say, ‘I don’t know what is going to happen, but I will give my best’.

This change of mindset which is neither positive nor negative, will allow us to do our best so that we can achieve the desired result and if we don’t we can learn from it.

Here we have talked about mindset, which is based on beliefs and attitudes not our desires. I have seen we tend to get confused, I myself was once confused, so it’s better to clarify this.

Remember, seeds take time to turn into tree. Keep learning, keep Growing.

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