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  • Writer's pictureDeepak Bhageria

3 ways to overcome Procrastination.

Procrastination is the act of delaying things up to the point it becomes urgent to do it. Until things get out of reach and it becomes indispensable to do it.

The 2 main reason for procrastination is because we are fearful or afraid of the outcome of the work/activity or we feel that the it is not urgent to do that work, we have time to do it.

For example, a person is afraid to start his own venture or switch his job because he/she is afraid of the outcome of it, “what if, it doesn’t work out”, he/she might be in worse situation then they are currently.

Another example could be a student waiting for the exam to come nearby to study even if they know that it is not a wise idea. They know it is important to study, in order to pass the exam but it’s not urgent.

So, how do we get out of this rut? Is there a way out of this?

Yes, definitely.

These 3 steps have really helped me in stop getting in the loop of procrastination and start taking action.

1. Gain and loss: Write down the benefit or the gain that you will have of doing that task or start doing the task today, and the loss of starting to do it today. OR, in case of switching your job, the benefit and loss of switching the job.

2. Maximization and Minimization: After analyzing the benefit and loss, if the benefit outweighs the loss, then we have to take a middle ground where we maximize the benefit and minimize the loss of doing that work or taking that decision. Suppose, the benefit of switching the job is might be a better pay or increased satisfaction or friendly work environment and the loss of switching might be loss of job, unable to find new, difficulty in paying bills. So, the middle ground in this case would be to continue that job and start looking for new one. Switch when you find the job that you are looking for.

3. Develop plan: The last step is to devise a plan on how you are going to achieve the target. Devise a weekly and monthly plan. Suppose your monthly plan is to apply for 30 jobs. So your weekly plan could be to apply for 7 jobs. Plan on the actions that you can take and measure. Control the controllable.

Hope, it provided clarity. Keep Learning, Keep Growing.

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